Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Records a thing of the present

Records there is a secret underground of record stores handlers and producers. Records when the name is mentioned people think the 1950’s or some outdated time period. Have records ever truly left us or have they just been forgotten. Over the years records have had a lot of criticism for being too big and easily scratched. All though it is true that they do take up mass amounts of space, the voce and sound quality is superior to any other type of recording media including digital. Tapes CD’s and digital music have an unnatural quality to the and never sound as crisp or clean. So I challenge you to take a new favorite song weather a be and oldie or a new hit, play it on digital and play it on record you will hear the difference , and it will amaze you. So how much do records cost? The old ones can be picked up from anywhere from $.50 to 1.00, and if you are paying more than that you are being taken. The new records cost as much as a CD, and most come with free music downloads. There new records are available at hot topic stores virgin record stores or your local record store. Make sure you try it out!! I currently own over 1000 records from the 50’s till 2008.

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