Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Energy can be created and destroyed

A woman flips a switch the light burns bright. A man starts his car with a rumble and hum. A child opens the refrigerator and pulls out a cool drink. These people on a daily basis use electricity and gasoline not even to think twice about where it comes from. All of these people have one thing in common they all use energy in their everyday lives. This is a time when there is a threat; this threat is that the energy that we use today may not be available tomorrow. This doubt in our society has triggered what we all know as the green revolution. At the fore front of this revolution have been the scientists who are looking into the odd and the unorthodox ways of harnessing the resources of mother earth. Some of the ways that scientists are thinking of doing this is by harnessing our wind and cropland. This is so important to the human race as a population. It is so easy for people to forget where their energy comes from. It is all harvested from the earth in one way or another. This is a topic that all people must have knowledge in to insure that resources aren’t wasted. This understanding will also help people further advance the green revolution.

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